Report written by Bansibadana dasa:
All glories to Sri Sri Guru & Gauranga

By Gurudev's causeless mercy and blessings, the 12 day Bhuveneshavar bookfair was very successful. We are able to distribute books and posters worth one lac and twenty thousand rupees. (books Rs.1,00000/ and postersRs. 50,000/-) This figure is almost double the sales of last year.
At present times, the books of our gosvamis in the line of Mahaprabhu,like Ujjvalnila-mani, Brhat-bhagvattamrtam, Madhurya-kadambini, Gita-govinda(with tika), Rasapancadhya, Jaiva- dharma, Cara vaisnava acharayjivani ,etc are not available in Orissa, nor in oriyan language, so people have warmly accepted these books. During the book fair 12 sets of Brhad-bhagvatamrtam and many copies of each of these big books alongwith lots of small books have been distributed. Also 25 copies of English Jaiva Dharma and 15 copies of English Bhagavad-gita with many many small english books were distributed. We have made a set of 9 Oriya books published so far and we distributed 150 sets of these Oriya books in the book fair.
On the last day of book fair, one persons probably the librarian of the local college took all of Gurudeva's Hindi, English and Oriya books worth Rs.6000/- We are now planning to go to all colleges in Bhuvaneshavar,Cuttack and Puri to show them the books and propose them to get themfor their college libraries.
Also we have translated just the prastavana of hindi Bhagvad-gita,written by Gurudev, into Oriya , printed its 10,000 copies which is likea pamphlet of 16 pages with title "Bhavat gitaar vastava uddesya" and freely distributed them during the book fair. The entire printing was sponsored by the books sponsorshp program, so we were able to do for free distribution for the occasion ofMokshda ekadasi(gita jayanti).
Everyday around 8-10 devotees went to Bhuvaneshara by car and among them would be 4-5 devotees from Mathura everyday accompanyingus turn by turn.
We are thinking to make a small booklet of Paramagurudeva article (Jive daya). around 20 or 30 thousand copies to distribute freely at Ratha-yatra.
Vaishnava Dasa Anu Dasa--Bansibadan Das .Jayshreedamodar Gaudia Math,C.T.Road,Puri-2, Orissa , India.